Calculate private health insurance
In the area of insurance, MEIN FINANZKONZEPT works together with the broker portal Fondsfinanz and uses the online calculator from Softair. The comparison calculator for calculating your private health insurance helps you to get an overview of which insurance company provides the cheapest rate for you. The more accurate your entries are, the more accurate the result of the comparison calculator will be. I would be happy to help you refine your entries during a personal consultation or via video consultation.
Your private health insurance with
Service-oriented, competent and flexible, I accompany you on the subject of insurance and provision so that you can minimize your financial risks and sit back and relax.

1. Inquire without obligation
You can send your request to me either via the contact form, directly by email or by phone.

2. Consultation
I will get in touch with you within a very short time and we will discuss your insurance issues together.

3. Discuss offers
After our personal consultation, you will receive your offer from me (several are also possible) for your insurance topic and we will discuss this together.

4. Take out insurance
After all the details have been clarified, I will submit your insurance application to the insurance company and take care of the further formalities.

5. Follow-up consultation
I will also accompany you after the contract has been signed and will continue to support you. I am also happy to be at your disposal as a supervisor for your existing insurance contracts.
Who is allowed to take out private health insurance?
There are legal regulations that clearly define when you are allowed to take out private insurance and when you are not. However, different framework conditions apply depending on the type of occupation.
Civil servants
If you are self-employed on a full-time basis, for example as a sole trader, you can also choose whether you want to be insured privately or voluntarily in the statutory health insurance (GKV). This is because the choice of insurance for the self-employed is not linked to earnings. An exception to this rule applies to freelancers who pursue an artistic or journalistic activity. Under certain circumstances, freelancers are subject to compulsory insurance in the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK).
If you work as a full-time self-employed person, for example as a sole trader, you can also choose whether you would like to take out private or voluntary insurance with statutory health insurance. Because the choice of insurance for the self-employed is not linked to earnings. An exception to this rule applies to freelancers who pursue an artistic or journalistic activity. The freelancers may be subject to compulsory insurance in the Artists' Social Insurance Fund (KSK).
As an employee, you only have the choice between statutory and private health insurance if your gross income is above the so-called annual income threshold. This limit increases every year. In 2021 it will be 64,350 euros. This includes regular payments such as holiday pay and Christmas bonuses, but not special payments such as bonuses.
The insurance obligation ends at the end of the calendar year in which your salary exceeds this limit for the first time. However, this only applies if your salary is also above the limit in the following year.
An example: You get a salary increase to 65,000 euros per year in July 2021. This means you can take out private health insurance from 1 January 2022. However, only if the annual income threshold remains below 65,000 euros in 2022.
At the beginning of your studies, you can decide to take out private health insurance. You are then bound to this decision for the duration of your university education. If you are employed full-time for the first time after graduating from university, then you can switch back to a statutory health insurance fund. If you want to become self-employed directly after graduation, on the other hand, you remain in private health insurance, even if you earn little at the beginning. Private health insurance for students makes sense especially if your parents are civil servants. In this case, you will receive up to 80 per cent of the allowance.
How high is the employer's contribution for private health insurance?
The employer pays at most the maximum contribution that he would also contribute to the statutory health insurance of his employees. This maximum contribution is based on the employer's contribution and the contribution assessment ceiling in statutory health insurance.
Since 1 January 2019, contributions to statutory health insurance have again been financed on a fully parity basis. This means that the employer pays half of the health insurance contribution including the additional contribution. Privately insured employees also benefit from this.
For 2021, the maximum employer contribution is calculated from the following factors:
the assessment ceiling of EUR 4,837.50 gross per month (higher income is not used for the calculation) and
employer's proportional contribution of 7.3 per cent plus half of the average additional contribution (0.65 per cent in 2021).
This means that in 2021 the maximum employer contribution to private health insurance is around € 385 (7.95 percent from € 4,837.50). In this example, this means that you can save € 385 gross, which will not be paid to the statutory health insurance. For you, this can mean about € 220 more net per month.
Does private health insurance make sense for you?
Private health insurance has comprehensive access to a wide range of medical benefits in many areas. Private health insurance comes in different tariff variants and it is often not easy to understand them all. My claim is always to help you make the right choice in private health insurance. As a freelance and independent insurance broker, I have broad access to a comprehensive selection of private health insurance tariffs from a wide range of companies. My comparison calculator from Softair, from my broker portal of Fonds Finanz, helps us find the right tariff for you.
Nevertheless, private health insurance does not come at a discount price. Especially in old age, premiums rise, regardless of how much you earn each month or receive as a pension. Only if you are sure that you can afford the premiums in the long term is private health insurance a sensible choice. However, switching to a private health insurer only makes sense if you can meet the following criteria.
1. You are younger than 40
Private health insurance becomes more and more expensive over the years. Part of the premium therefore flows into so-called age reserves, which ensure that premiums do not rise too much in old age. In order for the calculation to work, however, as much money as possible must be saved for as long as possible. Interest and compound interest play into the hands of young insured persons. If you are only privately insured for a short time, you cannot build up sufficient age reserves. If you switch to private health insurance much later, you have to save a much higher proportion of your monthly premium as an age reserve. As a result, the monthly contribution to private health insurance will be much higher.
The earlier you start private health insurance, the lower the monthly premiums, because the age reserves can be saved over a much longer period of time. When you are over 40, the monthly share of the premium reserve becomes much higher, as the second half of life is more expensive in terms of health care than the first half of life.
2. Health
Unlike statutory health insurance, every private insurer is allowed to choose its clients to be insured. Before admission to private health insurance, there is therefore a detailed health check in the form of a catalogue of questions. Naturally, healthy people are easier to insure and cost less money. This is also an advantage for the insured, because you pay significantly lower premiums than in comparison to statutory health insurance.
If you want to take out private health insurance at acceptable conditions, you should be healthy and have little to no pre-existing conditions. I would like to tell you this quite openly, because anything else would not correspond to the facts.
3. Family planning
If you are neither married nor have children and do not want to have any in the future, private health insurance is a good choice for you. But if you have a family or are planning to start one, you have to calculate exactly whether private health insurance is still worthwhile compared to statutory health insurance. Because in the private health insurance there is no free family insurance as in the statutory health insurance. As soon as one parent is insured in private health insurance, the children must also be privately insured. There is no choice. If one parent is a civil servant, the children must also be privately insured. For the second parent, however, this has an advantage, because if the requirements for a private health insurance are met, they can be insured with the private health insurance scheme without having to pay additional contributions for their offspring.
4. High earners or wealthy
You must be able to afford the contributions to private health insurance both now and in the future. Because the decision to take out private health insurance is a decision for life. Although there are ways to lower the premium by changing tariffs or to return to statutory health insurance, this way is not so easy.
If you want to take out private insurance, you should do so as early as possible so that your monthly contribution does not become too high.
But for single employees, private health insurance is usually much cheaper than statutory health insurance. You can save the premium you save each month for later and benefit from the compound interest effect. The saved premium can also be a starting point for personal wealth accumulation. Over the years, your private health insurance will cost more, but you can still change tariff or insurer at an older age and save monthly premiums. For example, you can have your saved age reserves from the years before transferred to the new tariff with another insurer.
5. Risky profession
Some professions have a hard time getting private insurance. If you have an occupation with a high health risk (for example, as an aerobatic pilot), you must expect significantly higher risk surcharges. In addition, only a few private insurance tariffs are likely to be open to you.